Meet Our Young Boxman Ministers

8 years old
Arthur is the eldest of our three young missionaries.
He loves to help
people and form relationships with the repeat delivery drivers (Boxmen) that deliver to
our home. His desire is to bring a Boxman to church one day and be able to give a Bible
study. He's a natural leader who sets an example for his younger siblings.

7 years old
Maxwell is the middle child with an inquisitive side. Mac likes to ask
the Boxman questions and to pray with them, always keeping track of the prayer
requests. Mac oversees the inventory of books and snacks.

4 years old
The youngest member of our ministry, Clara always brings a smile to the
Boxmen. She helps with the preparation of the bags and has been known to sneak a
hand-made craft into the bag for an extra dose of love. It is very hard for people to refuse
a Boxman bag from Clara.